A new minor update!

Patch notes for 6.1.2:

Gave bots the ninja tabi.

Added bot support to the gun game gamemode.

Added the map 'Parkour' to the deathmatch gamemode.

Fixed bug with the game sometimes opening multiple rebuy weapon windows for the same weapon after the timer expired.

Fixed a bug with how the server handled equipping items.

Fixed the placement of the Secret Forces Rifle, Impulse Sniper Rifle and the Pumpkin Thrower in the shop.

Fixed some problems with the localization.

Fixed problem with some clan messages not displaying correctly.

The game now properly hides the gear in the killcam, also plays the weapon profile animation.

Fixed some bugs with the player ui model.

Fixed a problem with the Swedish localization.

Fixed the UV mapping for the great dragon armour up2.

Improved the Swedish localization.

Fixed bug with bots spinning around each-other.

Made some general improvments to the bot ai.

Made the amount of bots in a match change when the match ends.

Fixed bug with custom music volumes sometimes causing the wrong music volume to be set when unfocusing the game and then re-focusing the game.

Fixed bug with how the game handled shooting the tactical bow, making it unscope the gun and show a out of ammo message sometimes when you shoot.

Fixed a bug with the resolution of the player render camera in the killcam window being slightly wrong.

Fixed bug with how melee trails worked.

Fixed issue with uv-mapping on the panda helmet.

Fixed bug with how the game handled aiming the heavy projectile after firing.

Made the game check whether your computers clock is 90 or more seconds out of sync, and if it is it displays a message reminding the player to fix it.

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