New massive update!

Patch notes for 6.3.0:

Added the "Deadly Games" gamemode.

Added the weapon "Laser Minigun".

Added the weapon "Army Rifle".

Added the weapon "UZI-UZI".

Added the map "Portal Complex".

Added the map "Deadly Complex".

Added the map "Parallel World".

Added the map "Foggy Swamp".

Added the map "Night Hunting".

Added the map "Afternoon Battlefield".

Added a new lobby based on the map "Foggy Swamp".

Fixed issue with poor performance with the last major update.

By popular demand, you won't pickup bonus items if you can't use them, for example you can't pickup health pickups if your health is full.

Made various improvments to the Japanese localization.

You can now press the F5 button to hide/show the in-game hud.

You can now press the F6 button in-game to hide/show your weapon. (This only makes the weapon not render for yourself, not for other players)

The edges of scopes now stretch correctly on very wide monitors.

The silver's musket now has a fire-rate of 18 instead of 16.

Made some improvments to the games localization.

Added the option to hold to zoom (aka use the scope), instead of it just being a toggle).

Made the ladders on "Train Depot", work like other ladders in the game.

The main website page now seperates the news into different pages, instead of displaying all of them at once.

You can now login & logout into the website.

If you are logged in on the website, the wiki shows if you own a item or not, and if it's a gadget like grenades, it shows how many you own.

Fixed some issues with how the season place text was rendered in the trophy view ui.

Increased the bass cannons aoe range.

Improved the visual fidelity of the fantasy sword & mighty trident attack animation.

Improved the visual fidelity of some other textures too.

The mighty trident now deals 158 damage instead of 122.

The fantasy sword now deals 178 damage instead of 151.

The fantasy sword now has a firerate of 11 instead of 12.

Fixed bug with option to like bots showing up after unliking a player.

Fixed some issues on the game wiki.

Lowered the max killstreak required for killstreak quests on the gun-game gamemode.

Fixed bug with how the game handled rendering a reminder to restart the game when the user toggles the vr mode on or off.

Fixed some issues with how the main page of the website was rendered.

Fixed bug with bullet holes rendering over water.

Made the LOD less aggressive.

Fixed the level up ui not working correctly.

Made the game set the proper empty slot icon, if you have remapped the slot and don't have anything equipped in that category.

Fixed bug with water reflections sometimes not working correctly.

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