A new update has arrived!

- Update 6.6.0 Changelog -

- New Features -

Added the Rapid Fire Rifle.

Added the Zombie Slayer.

Added the Electric Arc.

Added the Rocket Crossbow.

Added the Electro-Blaster Rifle.

Added the map "Sniper Forts".

Added the Mushroom Hat.

Added the Afro.

Added the Cowboy Hat.

Added 6 new skins from pg3d.

Added a scoreboard to the arena gamemode, it shows how many monsters you've killed.

A new motion blur intensity slider has been added for those who use motion blur.

What weapon set that is used for a gun game match is now random and not unique to whatever map you're playing on.

A lot of improvements to the bots.

Added a new lobby based on the "Sniper Forts" map.

- Balancing -

The Light Swords now have a firerate of 18 instead of 15.

The Dark Swords now have a firerate of 18 instead of 15.

The Electric Glove now has a firerate of 20 instead of 12.

The Sparrow's Sabre now has a firerate of 19 instead of 16.

The Knight Sword now has a firerate of 21 instead of 16.

The Knight Sword UP1 now has a firerate of 21 instead of 16.

The Warrior Axe now has a firerate of 20 instead of 14.

The Warrior Axe UP1 now has a firerate of 20 instead of 14.

The Miner Weapon now has a firerate of 17 instead of 15.

The Miner Weapon UP1 now has a firerate of 17 instead of 15.

Made the time it takes for the enemy to take damage from a melee weapon be shorter for all non-aoe melee weapons.

The dual machine guns now deal 28 instead of 23 damage.

- Bug Fixes -

Fixed mesh issue on the Cryptonic Lantern.

Fixed the champion electric arc empty and reload sfx being wrong.

Fixed the laser on some weapons not rendering in some angles in the profile UI.

Fixed a problem with a bonus spawn location on the map "Pirates!", also fixed the rotation for some bonus spawn locations.

Fixed bug with a magazine from the pluck being visible outside of the weapon during it's lobby animation.

Fixed the "panda head" hat placement.

Fixed material issue on kung fu village.

Fixed bug with the gusto & gusto up1 shooting animation.

Fixed bug with the friends list player view model cutting off a bit of the left and right edges.

Fixed bug with waves post 16 not starting correctly on the atlantis and space station arena map.

Fixed the fate up0 lobby animation, to be the updated one to match the fate up1.

Made the player always render correctly in the killcam.

Fixed the Cubacca's Mask placement.

Fixed the Princess Wig placement.

Fixed bug with shop text showing defense rate for a hat not setting properly.

Fixed a bug with the black holes projectile.

Fixed tooltip for turning inverted camera on and off.

Fixed some mesh issues on the map "Shooting Range".

- Miscellaneous Changes -

Removed coliseum from the daily quest map pool.

Made the killcam camera smoother with bots.

You can now open the pause menu from the killcam ui.

Added daily quests for killing monsters in the arena.

8x msaa has been replaced with fxaa.

The bots don't instantly target you after spotting you, so they have a "reaction" time.

Bots only start targeting another bot/player if the target is within 75 degress of view.

Fixed the Swedish localized name for the mercenary hat to be "Legosoldathatt" instead of "Leileg�rdshatt".

Arena bonus items now spawn a bit faster depending on player count.

Made arena wave timer scale depending on player count.

Added multiple fixes to the spanish localization.

Added a bunch of fixes to the russian localization.

Fixed some issues with the russian localization.

Fixed rewards for killstreak quests on gamemode being too hard.

Updated the game arrow buttons to be a higher quality.

The difficulty for monsters in the multiplayer arena now scales more aggressively, to provide a more difficult challenge.

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