wiki - team fight

Team Fight

Two teams fight against each other, the one who gets the most kills is the winner.


Rewards for the winning team:

1st place. 1500 coins. 200 exp.

2nd place. 1200 coins. 175 exp.

3rd place. 1100 coins. 150 exp.

4th place. 900 coins. 125 exp.

5th place. 700 coins. 100 exp.

6th place. 600 coins. 75 exp.

7th place. 500 coins. 50 exp.

8th place. 400 coins. 25 exp.


Rewards for the losing team:

1st place. 1000 coins. 200 exp.

2nd place. 900 coins. 175 exp.

3rd place. 825 coins. 150 exp.

4th place. 675 coins. 125 exp.

5th place. 525 coins. 100 exp.

6th place. 450 coins. 75 exp.

7th place. 375 coins. 50 exp.

8th place. 300 coins. 25 exp.


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