NEWS - First update of the year!

Patch notes for 5.9.0:

Added a new map called "Castle Underpass".

Added the Ranger Rifle and Ranger Rifle up1.

Added the Mystical Ore Emitter and Mystical Ore Emitter UP1.

Added a upgrade to the Pet Dragon.

Fixed issue with the speed of camera rotation with a controller not scaling properly with variations of framerate.

The accuracy stat now counts from bots too.

Made it so melee attacks from players or bots can't still hit after death.

Fixed bug with bots not despawning sometimes in the duel gamemode after another player joins.

Fixed issue with bots often getting stuck.

Made bot count a bit random.

Made some improvments to the bot navigation on arabian dust.

Some other improvments to bot ai to make them more fun to play with.

If you have bots enabled, the game now displays the "few player" text on supported maps when they're empty.

The top clan list viewer now only shows the top 40 clans, you have to search by name if you wanna find other clans which aren't the top 40.

Fixed a issue with some notifications not showing up because of a mistake on the back-end.

Added a name for each trophy cup.

Added the name for ants life to the discord rich presence support.

Fixed issues with the rival and domination system not working properly with bots.

Fixed kill assists and assist counted as kill, for bots.

The flag-kill killstreak works correctly for bots now.

Added a new player suggested bot name.

The golden friend now has a firerate of 82 instead of 80.

The golden friend up1 now has a firerate of 82 instead of 80.

The ak mini now has a firerate of 84 instead of 80.

Improved the accuracy for the ak mini slightly.

The ak mini now deals 23 damage instead of 22.

The swat rifle now has a firerate of 80 instead of 75.

The old comrade now has a firerate of 32 instead of 30.

The old revolver now deals 44 damage instead of 39.

The old revolver up1 now deals 48 damage instead of 42.

The alien gun now deals 60 damage instead of 63.

The alien gun now has a firerate of 32 instead of 30.

Fixed a issue with the crystal laser cannon mesh.

Made the Iron Armor UP1, Great Dragon Armor UP1 and Wonder Armor UP1 have great defense rate.

Made the Iron Armor UP2, Great Dragon Armor UP2 and Wonder Armor UP2 have legendary defense rate.

Made the bots have random wood or iron armor depending on level.

Changed the random min max for the amount of distance a bot tries to keep while using a melee weapon to work better.

Fixed a bug where the game sometimes get into a infinite loading screen after a match.

When a player or bot is dead, their name in the scoreboard is darker.

Fixed bug with you loosing bullets on your trophy when you left a custom match.

Changed to the kung fu village lobby.

Made armor upgrades defense amount go from 46 -> 64 -> 92 -> 114 -> 126 -> 152.

Made the newbie armour have 24 defense.

Fixed issue with the edit button showing up for capes you can't customize.

Fixed issue with not being able to press the buy or upgrade button on a item when you haven't reopened the shop after you've already pressed it once.

Duel matches now show up in the server browser.

Fixed issue with the bot not despawning in the duel gamemode after another real player joins.

Fixed issue with bots disappearing after being killed by another player who isn't the master player, to make gameplay way more fluid.

The game now compresses the game data stored on the server, making pgw boot times faster and take less bandwidth.