NEWS - New update!

Update 6.5.0 Changelog

New Features

Added the weapon Gusto and Gusto UP1.

Added the weapon pluck.

Added the sunrise.

Added the uzi-uzi up1.

Added the army rifle up1.

Added the fate up1.

Added a lobby based on the space station map.

Added a alternative hud layout you can use.

Added the map "Shooting Range".

Added the "Atlantis" arena map.

Added the "Space Station" arena map.

Added a arena map selection ui.

Added multiplayer support to the arena gamemode.

Added a new loading screen theme.


The ak mini now has a firerate of 86 instead of 83.

The ak mini now deals 26 damage instead of 23.

The automatic peacemaker now deals 14 instead of 12 damage.

The automatic peacemaker up1 now deals 18 damage instead of 14.

The champion peacemaker now deals 21 instead of 14 damage.

The champion peacemaker now has a 128 firerate instead of 171.

The automatic peacemaker, automatic peacemaker up1 and champion peacemaker now have a slightly worse accuracy.

The old revolver, old revolver up1, old revolver up2, old revolver up3 now have a mobility of 111 instead of 105.

The best friend now deals 22 instead of 17 damage.

The best friend up1 now deals 24 instead of 21 damage.

The best friend up2 now deals 27 instead of 24 damage.

The best friend up3 now deals 29 instead of 25 damage.

The golden friend now deals 26 damage instead of 23.

The golden friend up1 now deals 30 instead of 26 damage.

The price for the uzi-uzi has been reduced.

The uzi-uzi now deals 22 damage instead of 18.

The combat rifle now deals 27 damage instead of 23.

The combat rifle up1 now deals 29 damage instead of 25.

The army rifle now deals 24 damage instead of 23.

The ak-48 now deals 26 instead of 23 damage.

The ak-48 up1 now deals 29 damage instead of 26.

The brave patriots price has been increased.

The brave patriot now deals 30 instead of 24 damage.

The brave patriot now has better accuracy.

The ranger rifle now deals 27 instead of 23 damage.

The ranger rifle up1 now deals 29 instead of 24 damage.

The swat rifle now deals 26 instead of 20 damage.

The swat rifle up1 now deals 28 instead of 23 damage.

The swat rifle up2 now deals 30 instead of 25 damage.

The eindringling now deals 18 damage instead of 16.

The eindringling up1 now deals 21 damage instead of 17.

The fate now deals 24 instead of 22 damage.

The hellraiser now deals 26 damage instead of 20.

The hellraiser up1 now deals 28 damage instead of 24.

The dual uzi now deals 27 damage instead of 23.

The state defender now deals 30 damage instead of 25.

The state defender now has slightly better accuracy.

The marksman now deals 29 damage instead of 25.

The secret forces rifle now has 40 ammo instead of 30.

The secret forces rifle now deals 27 damage instead of 24.

The crystal laser cannon now deals 21 instead of 19 damage.

The crystal laser cannon up1 now deals 23 instead of 20 damage.

The assault machine gun now deals 28 instead of 25 damage.

The icicle minigun now deals 23 damage instead of 19.

The icicle minigun up1 now deals 25 damage instead of 21.

The Casanova now deals 30 instead of 25 damage.

The anti-champion rifle now deals 117 damage instead of 121 damage.

The anti-champion rifle now has 6 ammo instead of 5 ammo.

Bug Fixes

Fixed the flag placement on the map Aztec Temple.

Fixed a bonus spawn location in two castles.

Fixed it so the quick switch weapon, and scroll wheel to switch weapon is in-active while the chat is open.

Fixed problem with killcam camera & end fight camera sometimes rendering parts of the ui.

Fixed issue with the arms for the anti-champion rifle sometimes being a bit transparent.

Fixed the weapon arms for a few weapons being darker than they're supposed to be.

Fixed custom scope sensitivity not loading on startup.

Fixed how bots handled taking damage.

Fixed some box corners in some windows not lining up correctly.

Fixed the killcam to not show the players trophy as the bots trophy in the killcam.

Fixed issue with the hold to zoom toggle having the wrong tooltip.

Fixed uv mapping issue on isla de la muerte.

Fixed a problem with the "You've got the trophy required for the Cup. At the end of the season you will be able to set it next to your character!" text not showing up if you got a better trophy than 10.

Fixed collider issues on area 52.

Fixed bug with some particles from the attack animation from both the fantasy sword and mighty trident showing through walls.

Fixed bug with the battle stat window showing up instead of the lobby ui, in the lobby.

Fixed bug with how using the scope with a controller, with hold to zoom enabled worked.

Fixed some collider issues on space desert.

Fixed bug with daily quest completed ui and rank trophy change ui overlap.

Fixed lighting issue on the swamp arena map.

Fixed bug with bots sometimes taking too much damage from certain weapons like the dragon bow for example.

Fixed collider issue on the map "Nuke".

Fixed a collider issue on the multiplayer version of "Coliseum".

Fixed bug with bot health rounding error in killcam.

Fixed the map filter not rendering ontop of the chat ui in the list of matches window.

Fixed bug with game sometimes failing to create a room properly.

Miscellaneous Changes

Slightly improved the bot ai.

Changed the out of ammo sfx for a few weapons.

Made it so the game makes every pixel in a imported skin not be transparent, instead of throwing an error if a transparent pixel is found.

Improved the lobby & walking animation for the Fate, Moxie, Neon Nightmare, Moonhawk and Maverick.

Made the controller aiming joystick dead-zone smaller, to make it easier to aim with a controller.

Improved how the shop handles rendering more than 2 skills for a weapon.

Because of how demanding the water effects and screen space reflections, I've raised the requirement for them to be enabled by default, to ensure you always have a great experience with the default game settings.

The mouse scroll weapon switch, is now instant, so you can switch weapons whenever.

The duel killstreak daily quests requirements have been lowered.

Daily quest rewards now reflect the difficulty of the quest.

Improved deadly games ui.

You can now spectate players in the deadly games waiting screen.

Added a chat to the deadly games waiting screen.

Removed maps which don't support bots from the quest pool.

Made multiple improvements to the Japanese localization.